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Daniela Argenti

The decoration of the interior of a home is important when we want to create that environment that guarantees the desired comfort. It becomes essential to customize the rooms with an appropriate choice of the type of decoration. Daniela Argenti specializes in decorations and the creation of objects designed specifically for the home, in order to enrich and customize a home.


My Golden Age

Our Bees are back in the historic center of Genoa, precisely in San Donato, a portion of the city old rich in history and tradition. Here we find My Golden Age, an artisan activity where we find Luca, ready to tell us about his world.

Azienda Agricola Zafferano di Rosso

Our Bees have been attracted by the pistils of saffron flowers, in Rosso, a small town in the hinterland of Genoa, where among dense forests and villages of peasant origin we know the Azienda Agricola Zafferano Di Rosso, a very particular production reality. Here we find Daniel, who explains his work.

Apicoltura Giacomo Calcagno

Our bees flew over the hills of Pietra Ligure to meet their "friends" bees that, industrious, create quality Ligurian honey at the beekeeping Calcagno Giacomo. Here, among olive trees and dry stone walls, we find their colorful beehives kept by Giacomo, a young beekeeper who illustrates his activity.

Azienda Agricola Beronà

Our Bees flew in the Farm Beronà among the olive trees and vineyards of Diano Arentino, a small country village a few kilometers from the beaches of Diano Marina, a lovely seaside resort in the province of Imperia. The cultivation of olive trees and vineyards in this part of Liguria are the pride of the Azienda Agricola Beronà. Here we find Serenella, who welcomes us

Pesto per amore

Today the Bees are back in Genoa, the city of the Lantern. Here people are attracted with the scent and taste of a good pesto di Pesto per Amore, which is a delight to be enjoyed, both for the Genoese and for the many tourists who discover the city. Pesto means Liguria, like the company that today we are going to discover, a reality that speaks of love for this land, '' Pesto for Love', where waiting for us is Paolo Silvestri who tells us about his activity.

Dimensione Mosaico

Two beautiful mosaic angel wings, which recall the famous starry vault of Galla Placidia, are placed next to the entrance of the shop-workshop of Elisa and Evelina. The technical peculiarity of the works of Evelina and Elisa is certainly the three-dimensional mosaic, in which each subject, a flower, an animal, a landscape, is beautifully represented with glass tiles, cut and arranged specifically to bring out the object in all its naturalness and beauty.

Az. Agr. Calcagno

Our bees have been attracted by the scent of basil that is intoxicated between the charming countryside of Celle Ligure, which looks at the blue sea. Today we are going to discover the Azienda Agricola Calcagno Paolo, where Mr Paolo will be waiting for us, who will tell us about his traditional activity.


Corinna Butler is an American glass craftsman who has lived in Italy for 27 years and who has made Volterra the heart of her Vitrium Di Butler Corinna workshop. During his visit to his shop he spoke at length about the wonder he feels every time he sees an object of craftsmanship and how happy he is to be able to interact with the ancient Murano glass tradition.

Alfredo Beretta

In Milan, where everything runs and nothing seems to stop, some "artisan islands" survive where the work is organized as it once was, the workers are master craftsmen and the owner is one of them. This is the case of the leather company Alfredo Beretta, which since 1947 has been working with the same manual skills and passion as before. Bags, trunks, suitcases, shoes, belts, wallets and leather clothing are the items that have brought the name Alfredo Beretta in the world.

Bottega di Calligrafia

In Bottega Calligrafia we enter a fascinating world where we can see the writings made strictly by hand with a definitely special handwriting. The craftsman of calligraphy is Marco who firmly believes in handwriting made with historical characters, those of the past.

Virtus Mushroom

Today we discover Virtus Mushroom, a very special company, unique in its kind, that cultivates and sells quality medicinal mushrooms, always working with respect for the environment, reducing as much as possible any form of waste.

Pasticceria Velludo

Our bees were particularly impressed by the historic center of Arenzano. Every corner of the village is studied in detail, like the pastry shop Velludo, where we find Luana, who tells us something about his pastry

Concepción Cappelli

As Mary confesses to us, the sense of protection that a hat gives is the feeling that animates her passion for headdresses. Maria has many forms in wood (one is a form for modeling felt hats that dates back to the 1920s). Each time a different object is made by hand. The hat celebrates the differences. Each material will adapt to headgear differently giving a unique look to the wearer.

Flavia Palombo

In the Chiaia district of Naples, where the colors of the sea blend with the chaotic rhythm of the city, the artisan Flavia Palombo blends Neapolitan flair and craftsmanship producing limited collections of belts and bags.

Caseificio Perrusio

We are in one of the jewels of the Sorrento peninsula, precisely in Meta di Sorrento, where we were welcomed by the employees of the Perrusio Dairy; a family-run business. Their story begins around the 60s of the 900' when the family learns how to make cheese at home, in the wash rooms, using only milk from the milking mountains.

Giovanna D'Ulisse

Elegant and sober, neat and original: these are all adjectives that agree well with Giovanna D'Ulisse, with her creations and her workshop. A workshop where everything is born and is created by the same hands and mind that have studied in the faculty of Art History and that translates into the charm that surrounds his shoes designed to be comfortable and beautiful at the same time.

Pasticceria Druceras

A characteristic element that distinguishes Sundays and holidays in Sardinia are certainly Sardinian sweets and today we will discover Anna Maria Sarritzu, who manages to turn them into real jewels.

Birrificio Mascagni

In Quartu Sant'Elena, in the heart of the city, there is a craft brewery whose brewery brings an incredible experience. Let’s talk about the Mascagni brewery, a reality of the Sardinian brassicolo panorama, which has made a hemp beer using a local product, with a story that is absurd.

Birrificio Le Springo

Like every great project, the Le Springo brewery was born from the passion of the brewer and plant engineer Giacomo Spingola, aka Springo. Giacomo describes his activity as the perfect marriage between his love for plants and the craft beer that, year after year, has grown giving life to a Tap Room in the center of Cagliari, where you can taste his creations.

Billi Pane dell'anno

Today the bees are back in the center of Genoa, in Via Cesarea. Here we meet Alessandro, creator and owner of Billi Pane dell'Anno Mille, a place where tradition is founded with progress and innovation, where bread is baked in wood and the scent is intoxicated in the air.


Stefania, the founder of Paperoowl, calls herself a volcano of ideas. What drives her to immobility, she explains, as she composes together tiny pieces of paper, is the desire to see the final result. Then there is another desire that leads her patiently to create: that of conveying certain messages and a certain art.


The Carpetica studio is located on a very bright terrace where he creates his ethical leather carpets. Around the work table where we sit for this interview there are scraps of leather, scraps of leather, scraps and scraps of every color and appearance.

Calzature All'oro

Young, stubborn and very close-knit, are the three creators Cristina, Eleonora and Silvia di All'oro, the shop that manufactures and sells handmade shoes strictly handmade by expert craftsmen. With determination and enthusiasm they brought to Ravenna a wave of novelty with this all-female project and especially "Made in Italy"

Barbara Liverani Studio

Barbara Liverani welcomed me in her shop-workshop "Barbara Liverani Studio" in the center of Ravenna, with her sweet smile and a beautiful cup of coffee, strictly ceramic. His is a world of colored tiles declined in many variations: jewelry, ceramics, pieces of furniture, frames, favors and reinterpretations of great works of art.

Arte Orgonica

Quartz and metals, fused together, with awareness and skill, can become small masterpieces of craftsmanship, but also precious amulets in the laboratory of Arte Orgonica. So pyramids, bonsai, spheres and small large energy symbols meet the creative skill of Francis, the founder.

Liquoristica Ligure

Today we discover the company Liquoristica ligure that for years has been working in the world of beverage with passion and seriousness. We are welcomed by Andrea Vacca and Andrea Falzone who tell us three of their new creations.

Argentieri Franchi

Franchi Argentieri is an artisan workshop located in Via Tor di Nona 60 in Rome, in the heart of the historic center of the city. It is in this place that triumphs an artisanal production of the goldsmith's art par excellence: the jewel in silver, gold, metal, with or without gemstones, the artifact with a high intangible value, up to the object of common use or even furniture.

Stamperia Il Guado

Elena Balsamini is a passionate researcher of stories and wisdom of the past, who received as a gift from her father an interest in a tradition that, day after day, is being lost: Romagna rust printing.

Pastry Lab

Today the bees have flown to the historic center of Arenzano in the province of Genoa, where among cozy and colorful alleys, prestigious shops and fashionable boutiques we visit the MattiB Pastry Lab. Waiting for us is Mattia, pastry chef and owner of this beautiful and young reality that today we are going to discover.

Don Carlo

The enthusiasm of young people can be full of optimism and positivity, overwhelming you and carrying you with it, but it can also reserve unexpected surprises, discovering that its foundations are solid and well thought out. This is what transpires from the speeches of Lorenzo and Elisa, who literally cultivate the dream of Don Carlo vini e tartufi, a farm active in the production of natural wines and truffles.


In a small street in the historic center of Forlì, Federica Siboni's dream was born: Fedifo, an artisan boutique, a recovery and redevelopment laboratory and an exhibition space in continuous evolution. Fedifo was born almost by chance, when Federica meets the right place at the right time and from there she will be able to experiment and perfect new garments and accessories, creating unique pieces thanks to recycled materials or the discarded clothes of her customers.

Antica Manifattura Cappelli

Italian craftsmanship conquers the foreign market for its originality, without forgetting the quality of products strictly Made in Italy. The small shops of Rome are the characteristic places where creativity is born thanks to the experience of passionate artisans such as the Antica Manifattura Cappelli in Rome, located in Via degli Scipioni 46.

Creazioni Antonello

Whenever we talk about a jewel made in Sardinia, the elegance of Sardinian filigree immediately comes to mind. This particular process has been carried out for a very long time by the Creazioni Antonello workshop

Mascheraio Safir

Many traditions tied to the territory and the carnival of Sardinia are carved in wood and marked in leather, like the Sardinian masks that carry meanings imprinted over time, up to our days. Each mask, whether in theater or any celebration, brings with it ancient stories and cults. In Sardinia, the most striking example is undoubtedly the carnival of Ottana, where the most important figures—su Boe (the ox), il Merdule (the shepherd), and sa Filonzana (the weaver)—wear characteristic masks

Frongia Ricami

We are in Sardinia, in a small medieval village where the capital of textile craftsmanship stands. Here resides the last guardian in the world of an ancient knowledge: Sardinian embroidery. Maria Luisa Frongia lives in Samugheo and carries with her the tradition and expertise for creating timeless embroidered works
